Airlines Manager – Airplanes of Hong Kong

One of the best hubs in the game is Hong Kong. Some say it is because of the large number of routes divisible by 24 hours. These are the routes with which an aircraft can be used to full capacity, i.e. all distances which are 24h, 12h, 8h, etc. away. Of course, this also works in the opposite direction, i.e. around 28 hours. It is important that the routes are divisible by 168. But it’s not just the efficiency that speaks in favor of this airport, but of course also the large number of economy passengers and freight.

Hong Kong as a hub

So why should you choose Hong Kong as your hub? Quite simply, for the following reasons:

  • Very high number of economy passengers
  • High number of business passengers
  • High number of cargo
  • Many large airports in the surrounding region
  • Very many routes accessible
  • Many routes divisible by 168h (to simply use the aircraft to 100% capacity)

For this reason it makes perfect sense to deal with Hong Kong Airport. My recommendation would even be to use this airport as a hub first. Then only a few routes have to be bought because they fill up many aircraft. If you take other smaller airports, you have to buy a lot of expensive routes in addition to planes.

Routes from Hong Kong

The routes are completely open – most routes (distant and close) are ideal for an A380. Most of the time you can use one on every route, every now and then maybe 100 economy passengers are unused. However, it is important that you use every aircraft at least 85% of the time. This is necessary to make a profit (also takes maintenance costs into account). If there is still capacity on the route, you can use smaller planes.

The recommendation is: take distant routes first, as those will bring you the maximum profit. Always adjust the prices so that you get the most out of the route. Fill up any remaining time with nearby airports in the Hong Kong area. This strategy pays off very quickly.

Best aircraft in Airlines Manager

As you said in the post about Tips and tricks for the Airlines Manager , is the best seat configuration usually 100% economy and the rest as freight (unless capacity is insufficient). You can find more information in the article for tips and tricks for airlines managers and the Configuration of seats .

The following graphic is already in the article about the optimal aircraft linked, I would like to remind you of this anyway. The best cheap aircraft ( Pro Methode ) are shown on range, price and economy utilization (however, this does not take into account maintenance costs). There are four groups: optimal aircraft, aircraft using exclusively Airbus or Boeing aircraft or the optimal aircraft from Airbus and Boeing.

Airlines Manager – Airplanes from Hong Kong – The tip

Now let’s move on to the best planes and routes from Hong Kong. As mentioned earlier, long haul flights should be preferred, with the A380 being the optimal aircraft here. So if you can do without a few routes, you should start with the A380, otherwise I recommend the following procedure:

  1. Start with the A350-900 ULR between 17,512km and 18,000km. These are the longest routes with an airport category 7.
  2. Use the Boeing 777-200LR for the range from 15,556km to 17,512km as well as for the remaining capacities below with the airport category 8. < / li>
  3. For the remaining ranges from 0km to 15,556km, use the A380-800 for all airport categories 8. This should be your standard aircraft, even if you have more Boeing777s in the hub due to the lower capacities .
  4. For the remaining capacity you can use the B787-8 , B787-9 models for airport categories 8 and the A350 up to a range of 15,556 km -900XWB for airport category 7 and a range of up to 15,186km.
  5. Finally, you should go to the smaller airports, where the A330-800 recommends. This can land at Category 5 airports and has a good economy capacity of 406.

In principle, you only need 4 to 5 planes from Hong Kong with which you can reach the destinations. Smaller destinations (airport categories) are also profitable, but are not so worthwhile in terms of time.

Airplanes in the Airlines Manager – Must have

In principle you can use the list above for all hubs of category 8 or higher. This means you can expand your hub with 4 to 5 planes and reach most of your goals. If you really need a lower category, you can use the A220-100-R (Category 2) here, otherwise it stays at

  • A380-800
  • B777-200LR
  • A350-900ULR
  • A330-800
  • B787-8, B787-9, A350-900XWB

If you have another favorite airplane, it can of course make sense to integrate it into the game. I hope you enjoyed the article Airlines Manager – Aircraft from Hong Kong. Another post about many tips and tricks you can read here .