Lindos on Rhodes – A village under the Acropolis

Lindos is a picturesque and well-known city on the island with an acropolis enthroned on the mountain, a white village at the foot and valley of the mountain and a beautiful bay. For these reasons, Lindos should be a must on every Rhodes holiday – just like one. You can arrive either by car, bus or boat.

How to get to Lindos

Lindos is located about 50 kilometers from the capital Rhodes and is known all over Rhodes. You can easily get there by car on the southern Inselstraße. Lindos is also served by bus several times a day, with travel times from Rhodes being between 75 and 120 minutes. The 50 kilometers take about 45 to 60 minutes by car and there is plenty of parking at the central bus stations and designated parking spaces. Depending on the proximity, between 5 and 10 euros are due per day for the parking spaces. A bus ticket from Rhodes to Lindos is for 6 euros (one way).

Alternatively, there are numerous excursion boats from Rhodes and Kolymbia, which serve Lindos (sometimes including beach stays in between). The stay in Lindos varies depending on the departure times, boat and route and is usually 3 to 4 hours. The boat tour to Lindos is only recommended for people who like to go by boat, otherwise even 4 hours are defined too short.

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Bathing and spending time on the beach

Lindos has two beautiful bays. The city beach offers a beautiful view of the Acropolis. The beach in St. George’s Bay has two stalls, one advertising on the Lindos side and one with a view of Lindos and the Acropolis. The bay is almost completely enclosed by the mountains, so the water there is wonderfully warm.

You have the opportunity to buy a snack or a drink in restaurants, bars or snacks on both beaches. However, due to their location, both beaches are in the shade from around 5 to 6 p.m. The warmest time in Lindos is the early to late afternoon, as the air seems to be standing here.

Acropolis of Lindos

The Acropolis is high on the mountain and a short climb is necessary. The ascent can be done in two ways, both of which start in the village – one of which is also used by donkeys. Admission currently costs 12 euros (as of 2020) per person. The ascent takes between 10 and 15 minutes (taking into account the heat) and impresses with a breathtaking view.

The Acropolis of Lindos is impressive

Rhodos e1554834259305
  • the Athena Lindia Temple
  • the great staircase with the pillared hall
  • the columns of the Phsithyros Temple
  • das Relief (ship) in front of the stairs
  • the view of St. Paul’s Bay
  • the view of Lindos

From the Acropolis of Lindos you have a breathtaking view of the city of Lindos, the two bays (city beach and St. George’s Bay) and the glittering blue open sea. On good clear days you can even see as far as the Tzambika Monastery (towards Rhodes). However, you will not only experience the best views of the city from the top, but also during the ascent and at many vantage points in the castle. So you should look over the wall regularly to discover new motifs.

Watch out for uneven railings and slippery stones on the ascent and descent as well as in the castle complex. There are numerous injuries every day who stumble over stones or lose their footing on the mosaics. Normal shoes are therefore recommended instead of flip-flops.

What To Do in Lindos

Lindos is often very crowded – especially when the tourist buses and tourist boats arrive at the same time. For this reason, you should visit the city either before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. In summer it is also extremely warm in Lindos, so you should avoid lunchtime or spend a swim in one of the two beautiful bays . The best known and most beautiful is St. George’s Bay, which is located in a picturesque bay, offers crystal clear, clean and warm water and offers a unique view of the Acropolis of Lindos.

A specialty in Lindos are the countless restaurants and bars with the roof terraces , which give a breathtaking view of the Acropolis of Lindos and the village. Whether sunrise or sunset – from the roof terrace you can enjoy a wonderful view with a delicious meal or a drink. We recommend the roof terraces in the late afternoon and sunset, as you can enjoy the lights of Lindos and the Acropolis here. Note that it can be quite hot here at lunchtime.

The city center also consists of countless souvenir shops on the main streets, which are free of traffic. So you can stroll and stroll in Lindos and get everything your heart desires. However, the alleys are extremely winding, so that tourists quickly get lost. But don’t worry, the size of the city makes it impossible to get lost. You get pretty much everything from regional Greek products (oils and soaps) to tourist souvenirs (magnets, sculptures, glasses, etc.) and clothing to natural cosmetics. There are also 3 supermarkets in the city center, where you can buy inexpensive drinks and snacks.

In the city center there is also a church, which among other things also houses a museum. Admission costs 4 euros ( Panagia Church ) and numerous frescoes can be viewed. The church cannot be visited during services (e.g. early in the morning).


In the morning or in the evening, the Acropolis offers the most beautiful views and you will not be overrun by crowds of tourists. It is also rather cooler at this time of day, which makes the ascent and descent more pleasant. However, there are problems with backlighting at sunrise and sunset if you aim for good shots.

If the ascent or descent to the Acropolis is too difficult for you or if you want an experience, you can cover the way with a donkey. The ride on the donkey leads through narrow streets and starts at the central square or in front of the entrance to the Acropolis. On some days there are donkeys at the landing stages, although they often do not lead to the Acropolis, but only to the main square.

If you go for a swim in St. Georg’s Bay, you will come directly to the old Theater of Lindos ( Antic Theater ). It is located directly under the Acropolis in Lindos and offered a large number of spectators.