Fallout 76 – Farm Glue

Fallout 76 - Meistgesucht,Fallout 76 - Tunnel der Liebe, Fallout 76 - Seismische Aktivität, Der optimale Camp Standort für Fallout 76 - Guide

Glue is one of the most commonly used materials in Fallout 76, especially in the early stages up to level 100. Whether armor or weapons – glue is constantly needed. Glue is also required for any crafting item. Tip: Anyone looking for aluminum should use the Pip Boy Aluminum to mark the item they are … Read more

Fallout 76 – Farm aluminum

Fallout 76 - Meistgesucht,Fallout 76 - Tunnel der Liebe, Fallout 76 - Seismische Aktivität, Der optimale Camp Standort für Fallout 76 - Guide

Aluminium is one of the rare goods in Fallout – but it is needed relatively often. For example, aluminum is needed to repair weapons. But some objects and building materials also need the important aluminum. You also need the material for power armor and the production of certain chems. However, it is important to remember … Read more