Category: Languages

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Happy birthday Russian

Werbung / Advertisements Happy birthday in Russian means: С днем ​​рождения! (S dnem ​​rozhdeniya !) This term is the most commonly used in Russian because it is the standard phrase and can always be used. On...

falg fr

Happy Birthday French

Werbung / Advertisements Happy birthday in French means: Joyeux anniversaire! This is the classic standard phrase to wish French people a happy birthday. In social media, such as Facebook or Whatsapp, however, other expressions are often...

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Alles Gute zum Geburtstag auf Griechisch, Flagge Griechenland, Flag Greece, Happy Birthday in Greece

Happy Birthday in Greek

Werbung / Advertisements Happy birthday in Greek means: Χαρούμενα γενέθλια! (Charoúmena genéthlia). As in the German language, this term is used most frequently. On Facebook, Twitter and other social media, however, other expressions are often found much...

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag auf Tschechisch

Happy Birthday in Czech

Werbung / Advertisements Happy Birthday in Czech means: Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám! This term is used quite often cause it is the standard pharse of saying Happy Birthday in Czech. However, other expressions are often found...

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5 ways to wish Arabs a happy birthday

5 ways to wish Arabs a happy birthday

Happy Birthday in Arabic Werbung / Advertisements Happy birthday in Arabic is: عيد مولد سعيد! (eid mulid saeid.) This term is used most often because it is the standard phrase and can always be used. In...

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5 ways to wish Portuguese people a happy birthday

Happy Birthday in Portuguese Werbung / Advertisements Happy birthday in Portuguese is: Feliz aniversário! This term is used the most because it is the standard phrase and can always be used. In social networks, but...

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